Sunday, October 19, 2008

THOSE people that can't drive

OK, you know who you are.......when at a 4-way stop......if I get there BEFORE you do; I go. If you get there BEFORE I do; you go. If for some reason we arrive at the same time, and I wave my hand for you to go.............I'm not saying, 'hello'. It is a clear sign for you to go ahead. If you wave back at me for ANY reason; I'm going. Do not act surprised. If you do not understand this basic principle, STAY THE FUCK HOME!

THOSE people that lie....

I despise THOSE people that lie to me, no, they fucking infuriate me! -I will readily admit that I'm prone to forgetting certain things: birthdays, phone numbers, bass player's name of The Rolling Stones, where the hell I put my keys, whether or not I already put conditioner in my hair, and occasionally I'll walk around for up to 5 min. looking for my sunglasses that are on my head the entire time. However, I do not forget any details about my personal life, unless I have had too many glasses of wine, where I know that I will always have a friend that was less intoxicated to fill me is my point - When someone tells me that they are doing something, going somewhere, etc., and try to tell me that they previously informed me about this, when they in fact DID NOT, and then proceed to tell me that I have a bad memory; I have a few words to say to THOSE people............ IF YOU HAD REALLY TOLD ME ABOUT THIS BEFORE, WHY WOULD I JUST NOW BE GETTING PISSED OFF ABOUT IT?

THOSE people that go to YOGA...

THOSE people whom after they eat their triple portion of their sausage, egg and cheese omelet, followed by their 'healthy' 330 calorie smoothie ........THEN proceed to BOAST their successful weight management plan with yet ANOTHER ridiculous notion..........That their yoga class is going to be their ultimate 'KICKER' for successfully dropping that 80 pounds of ASS they've put on over the past 22 years!!!

Those men who give a 'massage'

To THOSE men who pretend to give a damn by giving me a 'massage'. - If you squeeze my shoulders for 2 seconds, rub your hand up 'n down my neck for 1 sec., and then proceed to rub my ass as you try to remove your ugly ass white briefs to move in for can expect the same attention to detail during sex. - I will squeeze your balls for 2 seconds, manipulate your shaft for one second, smack you on the ass, and ask you, "Wasn't that nice?", then I will promptly roll over and go to sleep.

THOSE people....specifically the male species

THOSE people (in the male species!) whom make the decision to google 'exotic services' on their home computer and THEN have the AUDACITY to think that they (after their wife SEES said google search) are going to be GETTING any exotic services!

Yes, yes........THOSE people

I can't take THOSE people whom in the midst of my own personal crisis, as an attempt to completely avoid any active participation in resolving the CRISIS, say (respectfully) "I'll Pray for you". I mean, seriously.......I'm going to pray for THEM that they will remove their head from their ass in the near future, as I need some help with my crisis NOW!